How it Works

Process Overview

Behind the Scenes

  1. Heating the Waste: The waste is put into a container called a retort and heated to a very high temperature (usually between 400°C to 800°C). However, there’s little to no oxygen present, so the waste doesn’t burn; it just breaks down into gases, liquids, and solid residues like char.
  2. Producing Gases: The heating process generates gases (like hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide), which are released from the waste. These gases are then collected.
  3. Burning the Gases: The gases produced can be burned to produce heat. This heat is then used to keep the retort hot, so the process can continue in a self-sustaining way, meaning it doesn’t require as much external energy.
  4. Hydrogen Recovery: One of the gases produced in pyrolysis is hydrogen. This hydrogen can be separated and collected for use as a clean fuel source.
  5. Enhanced CCC (Carbon Capture and Conversion): The process can be paired with Carbon Capture and Conversion technologies. These technologies capture the CO2 and hydrogen they are released into the system to improve the output volumes and quality.

The Role of Pyrolysis in Advancing the Circular Economy

Pyrolysis plays a significant role in supporting the circular economy by converting waste materials, particularly plastics and biomass, into valuable resources, thereby reducing waste and promoting resource recovery.

Pyrolysis recycles materials that can not be recycled cost-effectively but by reforming into oils and gasses that provide the heat energy for the plant the costs are significantly reduced. The products that cannot be reduced into the oils and gasses are simply the inert products that were used in manufacture so they can go back into said products recycled as part of the circle.

Because inert material does not affect the process contaminated soils can be sterilized for reuse. We can dig up old landfill sites and recover the hydrocarbon, plastics and organic materials once berried thus providing more oils and providing sterile inert products with the metals for recycling further advancing the Circular economy.

Electrical waste can be pyrolyzed and the solder (lead) gold, silver, aluminium and steel are also recovered.

Abattoir waste and rendering plant waste can be dried and pyrolyzed (with disc dryers added) to the plant, we produce sufficient heat for the drying.

Process Flow Zero Emissions

Types of Waste

A pyrolysis plant can handle various types of waste materials and reform them into useful products through a process of thermal decomposition in the absence of oxygen. The types of waste suitable for pyrolysis and the resulting products include:

1. Plastic Waste

  • Types: Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS), and other mixed plastics.
  • Products:
    • Pyrolysis oil: Can be refined into fuels or used in the production of chemicals.
    • Syngas: A mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, which can be used to generate electricity or heat.
    • Carbon black: A solid residue that can be used as a reinforcing agent in rubber products or in pigment manufacturing.

2. Tire Waste

  • Products:
    • Pyrolysis oil: Similar to fuel oil, it can be used as an energy source or refined further.
    • Carbon black: Can be reused in rubber products or industrial applications.
    • Steel wires: Can be recovered and recycled.
    • Syngas: Used for energy generation.

3. Biomass Waste

  • Types: Agricultural residues, wood chips, sawdust, and organic waste.
  • Products:
    • Biochar: A solid, carbon-rich material used as a soil amendment, in water filtration, or as a carbon sequestering agent.
    • Bio-oil: Can be refined into biofuels or chemicals.
    • Syngas: Used for electricity or heat generation.

4. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

  • Types: A mixture of organic and inorganic materials, including paper, food waste, and other non-recyclables.
  • Products:
    • Pyrolysis oil: Used for energy or refined into various products.
    • Syngas: For power generation or heating.
    • Char: A solid residue that can be used for construction materials or carbon sequestration.

5. Electronic Waste (E-waste)

  • Types: Circuit boards, cables, and plastic components.
  • Products:
    • Precious metals: Gold, silver, copper, and other valuable metals can be recovered.
    • Plastic-derived oil: Can be refined into fuels or chemicals.

6. Sewage Sludge

  • Products:
    • Biochar: Can be used as a soil conditioner or for carbon sequestration.
    • Bio-oil: Can be used for energy or further refined.
    • Syngas: For heat and power generation.

Summary of Useful Products:

  • Fuels: Pyrolysis oil, bio-oil, syngas
  • Materials: Carbon black, biochar, steel, precious metals
  • Energy: Heat and electricity from syngas
  • Chemicals: Feedstocks for chemical production from pyrolysis oil

Pyrolysis plants are versatile in handling different waste streams and converting them into valuable resources, making them a key player in waste-to-energy and resource recovery strategies.

Textile Waste

Textile waste can also be processed in a pyrolysis plant, converting it into useful products. Textile waste typically consists of natural fibers (like cotton, wool, and silk), synthetic fibers (such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic), and blends of both. Through pyrolysis, these materials can be broken down into simpler compounds for reuse. Here’s a breakdown of how textile waste can be handled and the products that can be generated:

1. Types of Textile Waste Suitable for Pyrolysis:

  • Natural Fibers: Cotton, wool, silk, linen
  • Synthetic Fibers: Polyester, nylon, acrylic, spandex
  • Blended Fabrics: Mixtures of natural and synthetic fibers, like cotton-polyester blends.

2. Products Generated from Textile Waste Pyrolysis:

  1. Pyrolysis Oil:
    • Produced from synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon.
    • Can be used as a liquid fuel or refined further into chemicals used in the petrochemical industry.
    • A portion of this oil can be used in the production of new synthetic fibers, contributing to a circular economy.
  2. Syngas:
    • A byproduct of textile pyrolysis, which can be used to generate electricity or heat for the plant’s operation or as a renewable energy source.
    • Composed of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, it can also be used as a chemical feedstock.
  3. Char (Solid Carbon Residue):
    • From natural fibers like cotton or wool, the pyrolysis process produces a solid residue (char), which can be used for:
      • Soil amendment: Enhances soil fertility and improves water retention when applied to agricultural land.
      • Building materials: The char can be utilized as an ingredient in construction materials such as bricks or concrete.
      • Carbon sequestration: Stores carbon and prevents its release into the atmosphere.
  4. Reclaimed Chemicals:
    • Certain synthetic textiles (e.g., polyester) can be broken down into monomers or simpler chemical compounds through pyrolysis, which can be used to manufacture new plastics or textiles.
    • Nylon pyrolysis, for instance, can yield valuable chemicals like caprolactam, which is a precursor in nylon production.
  5. Fibrous Materials for Insulation:
    • In some cases, depending on the pyrolysis conditions, a low-temperature process can leave behind fibrous materials that may have applications in insulation or other low-value uses.

3. Advantages of Pyrolyzing Textile Waste:

  • Reduces landfill burden: Textiles contribute significantly to landfill waste, and pyrolysis provides a way to divert this waste stream.
  • Resource recovery: Pyrolysis converts textile waste into valuable materials that can be reused, reducing dependence on virgin raw materials.
  • Energy recovery: The syngas and pyrolysis oil can be utilized to generate renewable energy.
  • Circular economy: The products can be fed back into the textile and chemical industries, creating a closed-loop system.

Textile pyrolysis offers a sustainable solution to the growing problem of textile waste by transforming it into valuable materials and energy.

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